We will collect personal data that can identify you either directly or indirectly, including data you directly provide through registration on the Porjaihosting Client system, registration for activities, cookies, transaction data, and website usage experiences, information received from authorized parties, or any other channels.

Collection of Personal Data We will collect personal data received directly from you through the following channels:

  • Membership registration
  • Telephone
  • Email

We may collect your personal data that we can access from other sources, such as search engines, social media, government agencies, other external parties, etc.

Types of Personal Data Collected

  • Personal information such as name, surname, age, date of birth, nationality, national ID number, passport, etc.
  • Contact information such as address, phone number, email, etc.
  • Account information such as user accounts, usage history, etc.
  • Identification documents such as national ID card copies, passport copies, etc.
  • Transaction and financial information such as order history, partial credit card data, bank accounts, etc.
  • Technical data such as IP address, cookie ID, website activity logs, etc.
  • Any other information considered personal data under personal data protection laws

We will collect, use or disclose the following sensitive personal data only with your explicit consent or as permitted by law:

  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Religion or philosophy
  • Health information
  • Disabilities
  • Trade union information
  • Any other data affecting your personal data as announced by the Personal Data Protection Committee

Minors If you are under 20 years old or have limited legal capacity, we may collect, use or disclose your personal data and may need to obtain consent from your parents or legal guardians, or as permitted by law. If we learn that we have collected a minor’s personal data without parental/guardian consent, we will delete such data from our servers.

Data Retention We will retain your personal data in document and electronic formats.

We retain your personal data as follows:

  • Our company’s servers in Thailand
  • Overseas server providers

Personal Data Processing We will collect, use or disclose your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To create and manage user accounts
  • To deliver products or services
  • To improve products, services or user experience
  • For internal administration
  • For marketing and sales promotions
  • For after-sales service
  • To collect suggestions
  • To process payments for products or services
  • To comply with terms and conditions
  • To comply with laws and government regulations

Disclosure of Personal Data We may disclose your personal data to others under your consent or as permitted by law, as follows:

Internal Administration
We may disclose your personal data within the company as necessary to improve and develop our products or services. We may consolidate internal data for various products or services under this policy for your and others’ benefits.

Service Providers We may disclose some of your personal data to our service providers as necessary for operations such as payment, marketing, product/service development, etc. The service providers have their own privacy policies.

Business Partners
We may disclose some data to business partners to coordinate regarding product/service availability and delivery.

Law Enforcement In cases requested by laws or government agencies, we will disclose your personal data to the extent necessary to government entities such as courts, agencies, etc.

International Data Transfers We may disclose or transfer your personal data to individuals, organizations or servers located in other countries, taking appropriate measures to ensure adequate personal data protection standards in the destination countries or as permitted by law.

Personal Data Retention Period We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary during your customer relationship with us or the relevant purposes of this policy, which may require further retention if laws mandate it. We will then delete, destroy or anonymize the data once no longer required.

Data Subject Rights Under personal data protection laws, you have the following rights:

Right to Withdraw Consent – You can withdraw any consent previously given for us to collect, use or disclose your personal data at any time.

Right to Access – You can request access to your personal data under our responsibility and request copies or details on how we obtained it.

Right to Data Portability – You can request to receive your personal data that we maintain in a readable/reusable format via automated means, and request transferring such data to another controller via automated means where feasible.

Right to Object – You can object to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data at any time if conducted based on our or others’ legitimate interests beyond what you could reasonably expect, or for public tasks.

Right to Erasure/Destruction – You can request deletion or destruction of your personal data or its anonymization if you believe it was unlawfully processed, or if we no longer require it for the purposes stated herein, or after exercising your withdrawal of consent or objection rights.

Right to Restriction – You can request restricting the processing of your personal data during inquiries regarding rectification or objection requests, or if we should erase/destroy your data under applicable laws but you request restricting it instead.

Right to Rectification – You can request rectification of your inaccurate, outdated, incomplete or misleading personal data.

Right to Lodge Complaints – You can lodge complaints with relevant authorities if you believe your personal data was collected, used or disclosed in violation of applicable laws.

You can exercise the above rights as a data subject by contacting our Data Protection Officer per the details given. We will notify you of the outcome within 30 days of receiving a valid request in our prescribed form/manner. If denied, we will inform you of the reasons through channels like SMS, email, phone, letters etc.

Advertising and Marketing We may send you information or newsletters to your email to offer things that may interest you. If you no longer wish to receive such communications from us via email, you can click the “unsubscribe” link in the emails or contact us.

Tracking Technologies (Cookies) We do not use Google Analytics or the Facebook Pixel, so no cookies will track your visit statistics. However, we use the Plausible system which does not identify individuals, eliminating the need for permission prompts on each page.

For login, the WordPress system necessarily sets cookies to maintain your authenticated session state. If you use Google Login or Facebook Login, your personal data will be stored in their respective systems.

Personal Data Security We will maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data to prevent loss, unauthorized access, use, alteration, editing or disclosure. We will implement administrative, technical and physical safeguards regarding access control and use of personal data.

Data Breach Notification
In case of a personal data breach, we will notify the Personal Data Protection Committee without undue delay within 72 hours from awareness, to the extent possible. In case of high risk to your rights and freedoms, we will also notify you of the breach and remedial guidance promptly through channels like website, SMS, email, phone, letters etc.

Policy Updates We may revise this policy from time to time, and you can find the updated terms and conditions on our website.

Other Website Policies This privacy policy only applies to our product/service offerings and operations on our customer website. Visiting other websites, even through our site, will be subject to those sites’ respective privacy policies which we are not involved with.

Contact Details For any inquiries regarding this privacy policy, including exercising your rights, you may contact us or our Data Protection Officer via:

Email: hello@porjaihosting.com

Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!

Updated 12/6/2024